What You Will Learn:

  • How To Introduce Your Book To The World

  • How To Make Money Before Your Book Comes Out

  • How To Use Livestream To Your Advantage

  • What Tools To Use When Launching Your Book

Issues Writing Your First Book

Well, I know how it was when I wrote my first book, because for me, it was very intimidating because I did not know firsthand where to start. I had to pray for strength because I thought I could not do it. Who am I to write a book? Have you ever felt that way? You probably had those same thoughts. I want to tell you that you can overcome that idea of yourself like I have. If you do, you can be like me, a two-time author who sold almost 400 books and made over $6000. Don't you want that to be you? Or even on a higher level of sales in your life. If that is you, it can happen for you. So don't doubt yourself anymore; I will help you achieve what you thought you could never do. So this course right here will start to allow you to dream again and give you the confidence to start. Are you ready? Well, I am ready to pour out all my secrets for launching my first book.

When Does It Start?

This mini-course is on demand You will have unlimited access to the replay

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So please be sure that you want all of what is in this course.

Delivery Of Your Course & Free E-Book

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"How To Sell $6000 Worth Of Books With No Sales Experience"

Without a doubt, this is a worthwhile book.

So take pleasure in these resources for a successful book launch.

If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please email us at [email protected] we usually respond within 24 hours or less.